How to reset your AccurioPro activation, preferences, and other settings

This article provides instructions for resetting your AccurioPro software activation, preferences and other settings related to the software.

Use the System Maintenance Utilities (Desktop Systems Only)

To reset your AccurioPro settings, please try the following:

  1. Select AccurioPro > Options > Support Utilities > System Maintenance...
    You will see the warning dialog shown below. Click Yes to continue.

  2. Choose the options you wish to reset (or check all items if unsure).

    1) Reset AccurioPro Activation: This option clears the current activation. Upon restart, you will need to enter your Order Code to reactivate the software.

    2) Reset AccurioPro Preferences: This options clears the AccurioPro Preferences. Upon restart, the preferences will be reset to their default values.

    3) Reset Default DDF: This option clears the base AccurioPro Data Source Definition (DDF). Upon restart, the default DDF will be recreated with standard values.

  3. Click the Continue button. You will be presented with a summary window.

    If you see [OK] next to each item, then that item has been successfully reset.
  4. Click the Quit Adobe InDesign button to quit.
  5. Restart Adobe InDesign. If you reset your activation, you will need to enter your Order Code to re-activate the software. Once you have entered your Order Code, the software activation is complete.

Remove Entire Meadows Folder (Desktop and Server Systems)

If the above method does not resolve your issue, another way to reset all of the AccurioPro settings is to remove the entire Meadows folder. If you are able to run your copy of AccurioPro desktop software, the easiest way to find the Meadows folder is to use the product Help menu. To do this, start InDesign and select AccurioPro > Help > Open Settings Folder..., which will open the Meadows folder on your desktop.

Once you are in the Meadows folder, back out one level and simply delete the entire Meadows folder. Then quit and restart Adobe InDesign. This will reset your entire AccurioPro installation, so you will need to re-activate all of your software modules using your Order Code.

Locate the Meadows Folder Manually

In some cases, you will need to locate the Meadows folder manually (such as for AccurioPro VDP Server systems). Please follow the steps provided in the article Where do I find the InDesign Preferences and Meadows Preferences Folder? Once you locate the Meadows folder, delete the entire Meadows folder as described above and restart Adobe InDesign. This will reset your entire AccurioPro installation, so you will need to re-activate all of your software modules using your Order Code.

InDesign Desktop systems will prompt to enter an Order Code to activate the software. InDesign Server systems are activated automatically via the mpsactivation.lic file, which should still be located in your plug-ins folder.