How to transfer AccurioPro from one computer to a different computer

This article describes how to transfer all of your AccurioPro software and settings from one computer system to a different computer system. Your AccurioPro settings are stored in a Meadows folder that exists inside of the Adobe InDesign Preferences folder.

For this article, we will reference the current/old system as the Old System, and the new system as the New System. Follow the steps below to transfer your AccurioPro installation and all of its settings:


Since you are transferring your software to a completely different computer system, you need to deactivate the software on the Old System before the transfer. For details about deactivation, please visit the following link:

How do I deactivate my software?

If you do not have access to the Old System for some reason, please contact Meadows Technical Support to open a support ticket and request a license reset. You will need to have your Order Code or Serial Number so we know which license to reset.


Below are steps to make a copy of the settings for transfer:

  1. To locate the settings that you wish to move/copy on the Old System, with Adobe InDesign running, open the AccurioPro menu on the Old System and select Help > Open Settings Folder. This should open the Meadows folder that is inside of the InDesign preferences folder for the version of InDesign you are running. NOTE: If this approach is not available for you, then use the link below for additional instructions about how to locate the Meadows folder.
    Where do I find the InDesign Preferences and Meadows Preferences Folder?
  2. Next (optional), if you want to reduce the size of the Meadows folder you will be transferring, look for a folder called AccurioPro that is inside of the Meadows folder. Inside of the AccurioPro folder, you will see a folder called Index Files. This folder can sometimes contain large, temporary files. You can safely delete the Index Files folder if you want to.
  3. Make a copy of the entire Meadows folder. For example, place a copy of this folder in an easy-to-find location that you can share with the other location where you will be transferring these settings. We recommend making a zip file of the Meadows folder to ensure the integrity of the files during the transfer.


If you have not yet done so, install the AccurioPro software on the new system:

  1. Download the installer for the AccurioPro software product that you desire, confirming you are choosing an installer that is appropriate for the version of InDesign where you will be installing the software. AccurioPro installers are available on the Meadows Downloads Page
  2. Place the download on the New System where you wish to install the software and then follow the instructions that are provided with the installer.
  3. Once the software has been installed, launch InDesign and activate the AccurioPro software. 


Now you can simply place the Meadows folder into the identical location on the New System. Follow the instructions presented in step 2 above to find the appropriate location for the Meadows folder on the New System. If a Meadows folder already exists in this location, simply delete it or, if you wish to keep a backup copy of the original settings on your New System, you can re-name the folder and just leave it in that location. Then place the Meadows folder you copied from the Old System into this location on the New System.

This completes the transfer. All of your activation settings, DDF settings, TransTables, and any SQL Fragments have been transferred from the Old System to the New System. All you need to do now is to restart Adobe InDesign on the New System.


If you are using any custom scripts with your AccurioPro software on the Old System, then you will also want to copy these scripts to the New System. To do this, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the following folder location on the Old System:
    Adobe InDesign/Scripts/Scripts Panel/Meadows
  2. Make a copy of the Meadows folder* that is inside of the Scripts Panel folder on the Old System.
  3. Transfer this Meadows folder and place it into the Scripts Panel folder on the New System.

* If you do not have a folder called Meadows in the Scripts Panel folder on the Old System, then it is very likely that you are not running any custom scripts.


If you have any difficulty at all, we are here to help. Please feel free to open a support ticket by going to the Meadows Online Support Center:

Meadows Technical Support