How to remove or uninstall Meadows software from Adobe InDesign

This article provides instructions for removing all Meadows software, or for removing a specific Meadows plug-in module from your version of Adobe InDesign. All Meadows software modules are installed into the InDesign/Plug-Ins/Meadows/ folder.


To remove all of the Meadows software from your version of Adobe InDesign, please follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Inside of your Adobe InDesign application folder, you will find a folder called Plug-Ins.
  2. Inside of the Plug-Ins folder, you may see a folder called Meadows.
  3. If you do not have a Meadows folder in this location, then you do not have any Meadows software installed on your system so there is nothing more to do.
  4. If you do have a Meadows folder, simply delete the Meadows folder and restart InDesign.
  5. You have successfully removed all Meadows software from your Adobe InDesign system.


To remove one or more Meadows Optional Modules from your version of Adobe InDesign, please follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Inside of your Adobe InDesign application folder, you will find a folder called Plug-Ins.
  2. Inside of this Plug-Ins folder, you may see a folder called Meadows.
  3. If you do not have a Meadows folder in this location, then you do not have any of our software installed on your system so there is nothing more to do.
  4. If you do have a Meadows folder, open this folder and search for the module you wish to remove. The name of the plug-in module will typically match the name of the product. For example, the Meadows 2D Bar Code Module is named MPS 2D Bar Code Module.InDesignPlugin.
    On Macintosh systems, there will be a single plug-in file for each module. However, on Windows systems, there may be a sub-folder in the Meadows folder that has the same base name as the plug-in module, but may have parenthesis around it. For example, on Windows for the Meadows 2D Bar Code Module you will find one file (MPS 2D Bar Code Module.InDesignPlugin), and one folder ((MPS 2D Bar Code Module)). Remove both of these.
  5. To remove the module, simply delete the file/folder(s) and then restart InDesign.
  6. You have successfully removed a specific Meadows plug-in module from your Adobe InDesign system.