Merged variable links display extra spaces

If a data file contains extra word spaces, these extra spaces will be merged into the document. AccurioPro will merge all of the characters that are in a field. Therefore, to prevent extra spaces from being merged into a variable link, the spaces need to be removed from the data. There are several tools available to do this. For example:

  • To trim leading and trailing spaces from data that is imported for any variable link, open the AccurioPro Preferences dialog (AccurioPro > Preferences) and select the Trim Spaces from Data check box.
  • If you have the Meadows Scripting Module, then you can use a AccurioPro Link Rule to apply a Meadows Script to remove any extra spaces in data for one or more specific variable links. For more information about acquiring this module and script, contact Meadows Publishing Solutions.
  • If you can open the data file in the Microsoft Excel application, you can apply that application's TRIM formula. For more information, see Microsoft Excel documentation. To open a data file safely in Microsoft Excel, see the How to open a delimited text data file safely in Microsoft Excel Knowledgebase Article.
  • If you can open the data file in the Microsoft Access or SQL Server application, you can apply that application's TRIM function. For more information, see Microsoft Access or SQL Server documentation.
  • Other types of database or spreadsheet applications may also provide a feature to remove extra spaces. To determine whether your database or spreadsheet application provides this type of feature, see that application's documentation.