Where do I find the USPS Intelligent Mail bar code font?

This article provides information about the USPS Intelligent Mail Bar Code font, including where to download the font, and the basic requirements for using the font. Additional information is also provided about the data requirements for USPS Intelligent Mail Bar codes.


AccurioPro® Pro is a powerful suite of variable-data printing and data publishing software for Adobe InDesign, that includes the ability to automatically produce variable USPS Intelligent Mail Bar Codes.

In addition, AccurioPro can also be extended to produce variable 2D Bar Codes (QR Codes, PDF417, and Data Matrix) and other types of Linear Bar Codes (Code 128, UPC, Code 39, etc.). AccurioPro is great for creating personalized publications such as invitations, business cards, certificates, custom catalogs, etc.

Other major features of AccurioPro include automatic copy-fitting, advanced conditional programming (Rules), and multi-up imposition support. AccurioPro supports all of the major variable data output formats, including PostScript, PPML, PDF/VT, and Creo VPS and is compatible with printers from every major vendor.

For more information about AccurioPro, please visit https://www.AccurioPro.com.


You can acquire the font for USPS Intelligent Mail Bar Codes (barcodes) from the USPS. The font can be used in conjunction with AccurioPro, and with valid intelligent mail encoded data. For more information about the type of data required for Intelligent Mail bar coding, please see the article About AccurioPro USPS Intelligent Mail Bar Code Support on our web site.


True Type Version is Recommended

Please follow the steps below to download the USPS Intelligent Mail bar code font.

  1. Visit the USPS Web Site where you will find the font downloads.
  2. Scroll down and select the download link for the following zip file for non-PCL TrueType formats of the font: uspsFontsNonAFP-1.4.0.zip
  3. Expand the ZIP file.
  4. Open the fonts/scalable/trueType folder within the download. The TrueType fonts can be installed on a Macintosh or Windows system.
  5. Right-mouse-click on the USPSIMBStandard.ttf file and select Install from the context menu. Repeat this process for the compact version of the font, named USPSIMBCompact.ttf.


Supported Point Sizes, etc.

As mentioned, there are two different fonts provided and you can use either one of them. Just be aware of the recommended point sizes for each font, as described below:

  • Scalable Standard fonts are USPS compliant when printed at 16 or 17pt, but 16pt is the recommended point size. If possible, it is always recommended that you use the Standard size font.
  • Scalable Compact fonts are USPS compliant and can be used when there is not enough space to accommodate the full size Standard font. The Compact fonts can be used when printed at 14, 15 or 16pt. However, please be aware that the 14pt Compact fonts produce a bar code that is less than 3 inches, and these barcode strings risk non-compliance when printed on imprecise printers, so be sure to test them!

For more information about AccurioPro support for the Intelligent Mail barcode, please see the About AccurioPro USPS Intelligent Mail Bar Code Support Knowledgebase Article.


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