Digital printer is not imposing AccurioPro output correctly

First, confirm you have selected the appropriate Paper Size when you started the AccurioPro print driver merge session. Additionally, for PostScript Driver output, confirm you have selected a specific paper size; do not select Defined by Driver (see the AccurioPro PostScript output is not printing at the correct paper size for more information).

Once you have confirmed that you are selecting the appropriate paper size, merge a small range of records -- just enough to print one imposed sheet of paper. If your digital print controller cannot impose this small job correctly, contact Meadows Technical Support to receive instructions to submit this small job for examination. 

Then, if you would like to complete production of this VDP job while waiting for a resolution, you can set up your document to merge as a multiple-up document instead of a single-up document. This will provide you full control over the imposition, and this will avoid any problems you may have encountered by imposing the job on your digital print controller. You may also find that overall performance for the production of a VDP job is improved by setting up the job as a multiple-up document that does not need to be imposed by your digital print controller.

To set up a multiple-up document that will not need to be imposed on the printer, you can either apply the AccurioPro Multi-Up Imposition feature to impose the document automatically (Learn to use the Multi-Up Imposition and PDF Document tools), or you can impose the content yourself by following the steps below:

  1. Change the page size of the document to the size of the sheet of paper on which the job will be printed. If you wish, you can set the document's page margins to mirror the printer margins of your digital printer.
  2. Lay out all of the content for one record. Then, group the content to form a single group of objects. 
  3. Next, run AccurioPro Test merge sessions (for example, Data Preview) to confirm this single "up" of content is merging satisfactorily. 
  4. When ready, replicate the single "up" of content on the sheet of paper, positioning each "up" as you wish.
  5. Add any desired marks (Crop Marks, Bleed Marks, Registration Marks, etc.). To add marks quickly and easily, you may prefer to use the Add Crop Marks script, which is a sample script available in the InDesign Scripts panel.
  6. Then, use the AccurioPro Sequence Page Items feature to sequence the variable links consecutively. This sets up the variable links to merge different records. 
  7. Now, run AccurioPro Tests again to confirm the document is set up satisfactorily. When merging, you can choose whether to merge the variable data into the document in a Step-By-Step or in a Cut & Stack manner. 
  8. When ready, produce AccurioPro output for your digital printer.

For a more detailed example of setting up and merging a multiple-up document, see Tutorial #3 (ID Badges), which is available in AccurioPro Documentation.