Text did not wrap in AccurioPro PPML or Creo VPS output

The AccurioPro PPML and Creo VPS print drivers automatically optimize a document's content, and this optimization may interfere with a text wrap when the wrapping items are dissimilar. To retain text wrap between dissimilar items in PPML and Creo VPS output, do the following:

To wrap fixed text around variable content 

Mark the fixed text as variable content. To do this, select the frame containing the fixed text, open the AccurioPro menu, and select Utilities > Print Driver > Mark Item as Variable

To wrap variable text around fixed content 

Mark the fixed content as variable content. To do this, select the frame containing the fixed content, open the AccurioPro menu, and select Utilities > Print Driver > Mark Item as Variable

To wrap fixed text around fixed content 

Confirm there is no variable content sandwiched between this fixed content. One quick way to move all variable content to the top of the page is to open the AccurioPro menu, and select Utilities > Print Driver > Create Fixed and Variable Layers.

To wrap text around variable pictures that have a clipping path 

Place a sample picture in the variable picture frame and confirm Keep Frame Settings has been selected for the variable link's Fitting setting. Also, if the text is fixed text, mark the text as variable content. To do this, select the frame containing the fixed text, open the AccurioPro menu, and select Utilities > Print Driver > Mark Item as Variable.