What file formats does Index Builder work with?

Meadows Index Builder software is an optional module of the AccurioPro Catalog software package. Index Builder assists in the creation of several different types of indexes: a part number index, a manufacturer index, a multi-level product index, and a combined manufacturer and product index. Each page can be assigned any number of Index Builder entries, and Index Builder lets you define the overall style and structure of the indexes that Index Builder produces from these assigned index entries.

Index Builder documents are InDesign documents that have been tagged with index entries that are available for selection on the MPS Index Tagger panel. 

The index entries on the Index Tagger panel can be entered and edited directly on the panel. You can also import the list of entries from tab-delimited text files. Additionally, you can also export the Index Tagger panel's lists of entries to tab-delimited text files which allows you, for example, to share the lists with others. 

Indexes that are built by Index Builder are tab-delimited text files that are saved in either the InDesign Tagged Text file format or in the MPS Tagged Text file format, which allows the built index files to be placed easily in an InDesign document and to include InDesign styling information for their placement. The built index files can also be opened in any plain text editing application or in any other application, such as Microsoft Excel, that supports a delimited text file format. 

For more details about Index Builder, including step-by-step instructions, please see the Index Builder manual and accompanying sample files which are available in the AccurioPro Catalog documentation package. You may use the link below to access the Meadows Downloads Page where you will find a link to download the latest documentation for the AccurioPro Catalog software package:

Meadows Downloads Page