AccurioPro VDP Tutorial #1 - Form Letter

This tutorial covers the basic merge and output capabilities of the AccurioPro VDP software. The sample document consists of a single-page form letter that has several variable elements, including text and pictures. Additionally, you will learn how to use AccurioPro rules to apply conditional processing while merging. You will merge data from a tab-delimited text file into the form letter document to produce pages containing each version of the variable data. This tutorial also covers how to produce a AccurioPro PDF file containing the merged pages.



This tutorial provides detailed step-by-step instructions for each of the four basic steps in using AccurioPro to produce a variable data job:

  1. Set up a Data Source Definition (DDF)
  2. Assign variable links to content in the document
  3. Check your work by running merge reports and tests
  4. Create merged output

Sample Document

The sample document is a simple one-page document to represent a sample form letter. The name of the document for this tutorial is Form Letter.indd and it exists in the 1) Form Letter Tutorial folder.

AccurioPro variables have not yet been placed in this document. This tutorial will show you how to assign variable links to the inside address and salutation text, to a text frame for contact information, to a picture frame for a credit card logo, and to a picture frame for a map.

Sample Data File

When any AccurioPro dialog or documentation refers to a data file, it’s referring to a delimited text file that contains the data for a variable document. AccurioPro accepts simple, delimited text files (for example, a comma-separated or tab-delimited text file) that have been created on a Macintosh, PC/MS-DOS (Windows), or UNIX system. The data file can use either ASCII encoding or UTF-8 Unicode encoding for the text it contains. Delimited text files are easily created using most of the popular database or spreadsheet software programs. For more information, see Data Files and Data Source Definitions.

The variable data for this tutorial is contained within a tab-delimited text file named Form-Letter-Data.txt which exists in the 1) Form Letter Tutorial folder. This data file holds six records (lines), each containing ten fields (columns) of data. The first record in this tutorial's data file contains names for the fields. The remaining five records contain data for variable content in a document. The first seven fields provide data for variable text links. Note that the Address #2 field does not contain data in two of the records. Next, two fields (Logo and Contact) contain names of files that are located in the same folder as the tutorial document. AccurioPro is able to merge (place) external graphic files and text files when they are referenced by either a file name or the full path to the file. Finally, the last field indicates a preferred customer status.

Please note that although this data file is small for training purposes, AccurioPro can merge data files that contain any number of records and the records may contain up to 1500 fields.


When you have a document that does not yet contain any variable links, then the first step is to let AccurioPro know some things about the data file you will be using. This is accomplished by setting up the document’s data source definition (also referred to as the document's DDF).

What is a Data Source Definition (DDF)

A DDF is simply a view or description of a data file. For example, a DDF describes the following characteristics of a data file:

  • Field delimiter: The character that separates each field in the file (e.g., a comma or a tab)
  • File origin: The computer system that created the file (e.g., Macintosh or Windows)
  • Field names: The number of fields (columns) and their order

It is easy to set up a document’s DDF because AccurioPro provides a Setup feature to determine the characteristics of a data file automatically.

When Not To Run Setup

Generally, you will prefer to set up a document's DDF only once, when the document has not yet been set up. Running Setup on a previously set-up DDF will reset all of the DDF's settings, including its definitions of variable links and rules. If the document already contains variable links, resetting the document’s DDF could cause the document to encounter errors when merging.

A common mistake that new users make is to run Setup every time they receive a new data file for a document whose DDF has already been set up. The fact is that as long as the structure of the data file has not changed (i.e., as long as it still has the same number of fields as before and the fields are in the same order), then there is no reason to rerun Setup. When you receive an updated data file, just select the new data file when prompted to do so. Your settings will continue to work just fine!

If you wish to change a setting in a document's existing DDF, instead of rerunning Setup, you can simply click the Edit button on the Data Source Definitions dialog. You can then change individual settings without affecting the other settings. For more information about editing a DDF, see Data Files and Data Source Definitions.

Set Up the DDF

Follow the steps below to set up the DDF for this tutorial:

  1. Open this tutorial's document.
    Open the Form Letter.indd document file that is in the 1) Form Letter Tutorial folder.
  2. From the AccurioPro menu, select Setup > Data Source Definitions.
    This opens the Data Source Definitions dialog, as shown below:
  3. Click the Setup button.
  4. Select the data file.
    AccurioPro VDPmpts you to select the data file that the DDF is going to describe. For this tutorial, select the Form-Letter-Data.txt file in the 1) Form Letter Tutorial folder, and then click the Open button to complete the selection.
  5. Verify the Setup entries.
    AccurioPro reads the selected data file and attempts to determine how it is set up. Also, Setup assumes the first record contains names for the fields in the data file. For more details about the Setup dialog, see Data Files and Data Source Definitions.
  6. Make changes to the setup if necessary.
    Although you will usually want to apply the default setup, you may change any of these settings before continuing. For example, notice the Empty Link setting on the bottom right corner of the Setup dialog. A variable link becomes empty when AccurioPro is merging a record that does not have any content for that variable link. For this tutorial, choose Delete to indicate that you would prefer AccurioPro remove all empty links from merged versions of this document. The Setup should now look like this:
  7. Click OK to assign the settings to the DDF.
    This returns you to the Data Source Definitions dialog.
  8. Click OK to assign the DDF to the document.
    This closes the Data Source Definitions dialog and places a copy of the DDF's settings inside the document file.
  9. Save the document.
    You can now start applying these DDF settings to content in the document. For more details about managing DDFs, see Data Files and Data Source Definitions.


Setting up a DDF creates a list of variable links that you can assign to content in the document. Then, when you merge the data file with the document, the content that is assigned to variable links will display data from the data file.

AccurioPro provides several different types of variable links that you can place in a document. This tutorial will introduce you to three of these types: Text, Picture, and Article. The other two types (Barcode and GroupPicture) are introduced in other tutorials.

By default, the Type setting for each of the variable links that Setup creates is set to Text, however you can change a variable link's settings whenever you wish. Also, if you assign a variable link to a picture frame, AccurioPro will automatically treat that variable link assignment as a variable picture link.

Open the AccurioPro Panel

AccurioPro provides a panel, as shown below, to assign variable links to content in a document and also to see which settings have been applied to variable links that have already been placed in a document:

To show the panel, open the AccurioPro menu and select View > AccurioPro Panel. The AccurioPro panel is grouped by default with its companion panels, the CopyFit panel and the Rules panel. You can manipulate the arrangement of these panels in the same manner as any InDesign panel.

The AccurioPro panel interacts with the current selection in the document. Some of the options on the panel will be dimmed when no content is selected in the document. Additionally, the AccurioPro panel will not display a Style menu if the Price Style optional module has not been included in your product order. For more information about the features provided by this panel, see AccurioPro Panel.

Place Text Links in the Document

The Form Letter document requires variable text links for the inside address. To place these text links in the document, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the InDesign Type tool from the InDesign Tools panel.
    To assign or edit text links, first confirm you have selected the InDesign Type tool.
  2. Drag-select (highlight) the word Name.
    Do not include the New Paragraph (Carriage Return) character in the highlighted selection because the text that is highlighted will be replaced when AccurioPro merges data into the document.
  3. On the AccurioPro panel, select Name from the Link menu.
    Confirm the panel looks like the picture below:
  4. Click the Assign button that is on the panel.
  5. The AccurioPro panel now displays green bars.
    If the variable link was successfully assigned, the panel will now show a set of green bars above and below its rows of buttons. Additionally, a green underscore marks the text link in the document, as shown below:
  6. Repeat this process to place additional text links in this frame.
    One by one, select the text that you wish to make variable (Address_1, Address_2, City, State, and Zip) and assign the appropriate variable link to each selection. When you have finished, the document's inside address text will look like this:
  • You can also assign a variable link to a selection of text by dragging the name of the variable link from the Links list on the panel and dropping it on top of the text frame that contains the selected text.
  • The green underscores that mark text links are visible when the InDesign Screen Mode is set to Normal. To hide the green underscores, open the InDesign View menu and select Screen Mode > Preview. Note this does not unlink or hide the linked content; it's solely a viewing option for the document.
  • You can eliminate the need to click the Assign button for each variable link assignment by selecting the One-Click Link Assignment option in your AccurioPro preferences (AccurioPro > Preferences). When One-Click Link Assignment is selected, AccurioPro will assign settings to a text selection each time you make a selection on the panel.
  • You can also set up AccurioPro to exclude any preceding or trailing New Paragraph, New Line, and Tab characters when placing a text link in a document by selecting the Smart Tags option in your AccurioPro preferences.

Place Picture Links in the Document

The Form Letter document additionally requires a variable picture link for the logo of a credit card, and the 1) Form Letter Tutorial folder contains three graphic files that provide different versions of a credit card logo (VISA.eps, AMEX.eps, and MSTR.eps). These filenames are in the Logo field in the data file. Note that while the graphic files for this tutorial's variable picture link are all in an EPS format, AccurioPro can place any type of graphic file format that InDesign supports.

Change the Settings for the Logo Variable Link

By default, AccurioPro will size a graphic file to fit within its assigned picture frame. However, you can apply different settings. To change the Logo variable link's settings, follow the steps below:

  1. From the AccurioPro menu, select Setup > Variable Links.
    This opens the Variable Links dialog, which lists each of the variable links in the document's DDF, as shown below:
  2. Select Logo in the list of variable links.
    This displays the settings for the Logo variable link on the right side of the dialog.
  3. Choose Picture for the type of variable link.
    This sets Logo's default type to Picture and displays Picture settings. You can choose whichever Fitting and Alignment settings will best suit the graphic files that this variable link will place in a picture frame. For this tutorial, keep the default settings, as shown below:
  4. Click OK to close the Variable Links dialog.
    This saves the changes to the settings and returns you to the document.

Assign the Logo Variable Link to a Picture Frame

To place this picture link in the document, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the InDesign Selection tool from the InDesign Tools panel.
    To assign or edit variable picture links, first confirm you have selected the InDesign Selection tool.
  2. Click on the Logo picture frame near the top right of the page.
  3. On the AccurioPro panel, select Logo from the Link menu.
    Confirm the panel looks like the picture below:
  4. Click the Tag Pic button.
  5. The AccurioPro panel now displays green bars.
    If the variable link was successfully assigned, then the panel should now display a set of green bars above and below its row of buttons. Additionally, when InDesign is showing frame edges (View > Extras > Show Frame Edges), a small non-printing green icon will be displayed to indicate the picture frame has a variable link assigned to it, as shown below:

Place Article Links in the Document

A third type of variable link that you can place in a document is a variable article link. Use an article link when you would like AccurioPro to place a text file in a frame. For example, this tutorial's document has a text frame for displaying contact information, and the 1) Form Letter Tutorial folder contains three text files that provide different versions of contact information (contact1.txt, contact2.txt, and contact3.txt). These filenames are in the Contact field in the data file. Note that while the text files for this tutorial's variable article link are all in a plain text file format, AccurioPro can place any type of text file format that InDesign supports.

Change the Settings for the Contact Variable Link

By default, each variable link is originally set up as a Text type of link. If you would prefer for a variable link to treat data as the name of a text file to place in the document, then the variable link's type must be set to Article. To change the Contact variable link's settings, follow the steps below:

  1. From the AccurioPro menu, select Setup > Variable Links.
    This opens the Variable Links dialog.
  2. Select the Contact variable link in the list of variable links.
    This displays the Contact variable link's settings on the right side of the dialog.
  3. Choose Article for the Type setting.
    This sets the Contact variable link to treat data as the name of a file to be placed in the document.
  4. Click OK to close the Variable Links dialog.
    This saves the changes to the settings and returns you to the document.

Assign the Contact Variable Link to a Text Frame

To place this article link in the document, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the InDesign Selection tool from the InDesign Tools panel.
    To assign or edit variable article links, first confirm you have selected the InDesign Selection tool.
  2. Click on the Contact text frame near the bottom left of the page.
  3. On the AccurioPro panel, select Contact from the Link menu.
    Confirm the panel looks like the picture below:
  4. Click the Tag Frame button.
  5. The AccurioPro panel now displays green bars.
    If the variable link was successfully assigned, then the panel should now display a set of green bars above and below its row of buttons. Additionally, when InDesign is showing frame edges, a small non-printing green icon will be displayed to indicate the text frame has a variable link assigned to it, as shown below:


You have completed placing variable links in the document and are ready to preview data being merged into the document. To run a Data Preview on this tutorial's document, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the AccurioPro menu and select Merge.
    This opens the AccurioPro dialog, as shown below:
  2. For the Records: Select All, Skip Header Row, Step by, and enter 1 for the step value.
    You first need to indicate which records you would like to merge from the data file. For this tutorial, select All to process the entire data file. Additionally, select Skip Header Row to ignore the first row of the data file since in this tutorial it contains field names and not actual data. For the record sequence mode, which determines how the records will be sequenced for this session, select Step by and enter the number 1 to merge each consecutive record.
  3. For the Action, select Data Preview.
    If you do not see an Action menu, click the Merge button.
  4. Choose Options for the Data Preview.
    To display options for this merge session, click the Options button. Then, select Off for the CopyFit option, and select Standard Mode for the Rules option. Note this document does not need to apply CopyFit (which is introduced in Tutorial #2), and choosing Standard Mode for the Rules option will allow the merge session to process assigned rules (introduced later in this tutorial).
  5. Click the Start button to begin the Data Preview.
  6. Select the Form-Letter-Data.txt data file.
    AccurioPro will prompt you to select or confirm which data file to apply to this merge session. If a data file has already been assigned to the document's DDF, you can select a different data file. Also, you can deselect the Prompt for Data File Each Time option if you prefer to use the same data file each time you merge this document. 
  7. Review the Data Preview results.
    AccurioPro merges the first record into the document. Additionally, the Data Preview panel displays what this record's data looks like in each field of the data file that is assigned to a variable link in the DDF, as shown below:
  8. Click the Step Forward button on the Data Preview panel.
    The panel provides arrow buttons to step through the records. Additionally, the Auto Preview option on the panel determines whether a preview automatically merges a record’s data into the document. If you prefer to step through the records in the panel without automatically previewing changes in the document, deselect this option and then, to preview the current record, click the Preview button located on the top right corner of the panel.
  9. Continue previewing until you are ready to proceed with this tutorial.
    You can continue to scroll through the other records in the data file. Additionally, to preview a specific record, enter the record’s number in the Record Number edit box and then either click the Preview button or press the Return key on your keyboard. When ready, click the Done button to close the Data Preview panel and return the document to its original state.


You can use AccurioPro rules to apply conditional processing to variable links, frames, and pages. With rules-based processing, a merge session can apply specific actions based upon the data in the record being processed. In the following section of this tutorial, you will see how to create and assign the three different types of AccurioPro rules — link, frame, and page.

The Components of a AccurioPro Rule

A AccurioPro rule consists of one or more statements. Each statement specifies criteria and actions, as in the following example:
If <<Gender>> is “M”, then Add Prefix: “Dear Mr. ”

The criteria consist of one or more expressions that compare given data against conditions. When there is a match, then the specified actions are performed. Each action defines a modification that will be made to content in the document while merging. For example, a link rule can add a prefix to the content that a text link will display when it is merged.

Use a Link Rule to Add a Prefix

The Form Letter has Salutation text that can be filled with data from the Name field in the data file, but the names in the data file do not include any greeting or title (such as "Dear Mr."). However, there is another field in the data file that indicates Gender. So, you can use a link rule to add an appropriate greeting and title based on the Gender data when merging Name data into a Salutation text link. For example, the link rule can insert "Dear Mr. " when the Gender data is M, but insert "Dear Ms. " when the Gender is F, and otherwise insert "Dear ". First, you will see how to create this link rule. Then, you will see how to assign the link rule to a text link in the document.

Create a Link Rule to Add a Prefix

To create this new link rule, follow the steps below:

  1. From the AccurioPro menu, select Setup > Rules.
    This opens the Rules dialog, as shown below:
  2. On the Rules dialog, click the New button.
  3. On the New Rule dialog, enter Set Salutation as the name for this new rule.
  4. Also, select Link from the Type menu.
    There are three types of rules, one for each type of content a rule can modify. Since this rule will be applied to a link, select Link. The New Rule dialog should now look like this:
  5. Click the OK button to close the dialog.
    The list on the left side of the Rules dialog should now display the name of the new rule, as shown below:

Set the Default Condition Statement

A AccurioPro rule will automatically have a default condition statement. This statement indicates what the rule should do by default. In other words, the default condition statement's action will be applied whenever the rule does not apply any other action. In a new rule, the default condition statement's action is automatically set to No Action. When a rule does not apply an action, then content that is assigned to this rule will be merged as if no rule had been applied to it. Of course, you can assign other actions to a default condition statement. For the default condition statement in the Set Salutation link rule, if a record does not have an M or an F in the Gender field, then let's add the greeting without including a title ("Dear "). To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the default condition statement and click the Actions button.
    This opens the Edit Criteria & Actions dialog to display the Actions settings for this statement.
  2. Select Add Prefix from the Perform Action menu.
    The Perform Action menu displays actions that may be applied to a variable link. For this link rule, select Add Prefix.
  3. Enter Dear in the corresponding frame.
    Also, remember to enter one word space after the word "Dear" ("Dear ") so there will be a single space inserted between this greeting and the Name data that will be merged into the Salutation text link. The Actions settings should now look like this:
  4. Click the OK button.
    This returns you to the Rules dialog where you will set up another statement for this rule in the following set of steps.

Add a Statement to Insert "Dear Mr. " as a Prefix

Next, you will add a statement to indicate when you would like to insert "Dear Mr. " as a prefix. To do this, confirm you have selected the new Set Salutation link rule in the list on the left side of the Rules dialog and then follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Add button on the right side of the Rules dialog.
    The Rules dialog now displays two statements in this rule's Statements list, as shown below:
  2. Select the new statement and click the Criteria button.
    This opens the Edit Criteria & Actions dialog to display the Criteria settings for this statement. Since this is a new statement, there is only one expression that has not yet been set up.
  3. Select Gender from the Variable Link menu for the expression.
  4. Select is from the Qualifier menu and enter M for the value.
    The Criteria settings should now look like this:
  5. Click the Actions tab at the top of the dialog.
    This displays the Actions settings for the statement.
  6. Select Add Prefix from the Perform Action menu.
  7. Enter Dear Mr. in the corresponding frame.
    Also, remember to enter one word space after the period in "Mr." ("Dear Mr. "). The Actions settings should now look like this:
  8. Click the OK button.
    This returns you to the Rules dialog where you will set up another statement for this rule in the following set of steps.

Add a Statement to Insert "Dear Ms. " as a Prefix

The Set Salutation link rule currently has two statements – a statement to add "Dear Mr. " as a prefix when the Gender data is M and the default condition statement. Next, this link rule needs another statement to indicate when to add "Dear Ms. " as a prefix. Follow the steps below to add this third statement:

  1. Click the Add button on the right side of the Rules dialog.
    The Rules dialog now displays three statements in this rule's Statements list, as shown below:
  2. Select the new statement and click the Criteria button.
    This displays the Criteria settings for this new statement.
  3. Select Gender from the Variable Link menu for the expression.
  4. Select is from the Qualifier menu and enter F for the value.
  5. Click the Actions tab at the top of the dialog.
    This displays the Actions settings for the statement.
  6. Select Add Prefix from the Perform Action menu.
  7. Enter Dear Ms. in the corresponding frame.
    Again, remember to enter one word space after the period in "Ms." ("Dear Ms. "). The Actions settings should look like this:
  8. Click the OK button.
    This returns you to the Rules dialog where the Statements list for the Set Salutation link rule should now look like this:

Save the Changed Set of Rules 

Now that you have finished setting up a new link rule, you are ready to save this change to the DDF. To do this, click the OK button on the Rules dialog. This updates the set of rules that are stored in the DDF while closing the Rules dialog. Then, select Save from the InDesign File menu to update the DDF settings that are stored in the document.

Assign This Link Rule to a Text Link

You can use the AccurioPro panel to assign a link rule to a text link. For example, to assign the Name variable link and the Set Salutation link rule to the Salutation text, follow the steps below:

  1. Use the InDesign Type tool to select the Salutation text in the document.
    Do not include the colon (:) in the highlighted selection.
  2. If the AccurioPro panel is not showing, open it.
    To open the panel, select View > AccurioPro Panel from the AccurioPro menu.
  3. Select Name from the Link menu or list.
  4. Select Set Salutation from the Rule menu or list.
    The document and panel should now look like this:
  5. Click the Assign button on the panel.
    The Name variable link and the Set Salutation link rule are now assigned to the Salutation text. The panel will indicate which link and link rule are assigned and will show a set of green bars above and below its rows of buttons. Additionally, since both a variable link and a link rule are assigned, two green underscores mark the text link in the document. 

Run Another Data Preview Merge Session

Now that you have assigned a link and link rule to the Salutation text, you may prefer to preview merging data into the document to confirm the link rule is being applied satisfactorily. To do this, first save the document with the changes you have made and then repeat the steps to run a Data Preview merge session by following the steps below:

  1. Select Merge from the AccurioPro menu (or click Merge on the AccurioPro panel).
    This opens the AccurioPro dialog, as shown below:
  2. For the Records settings: Select All, Skip Header Row, and Step by: 1.
  3. For the Action, select Data Preview.
  4. For the Options, use the same settings as before.
    Select Off for CopyFit, and select Standard Mode for Rules.
  5. Click Start and, if prompted for the data file, select Form-Letter-Data.txt.
  6. Review the Data Preview results.
    AccurioPro merges the first record into the document. Note that since the Gender data in Record 1 is M, the Set Salutation link rule has added "Dear Mr. " to the Name data that is displayed by the Salutation text link.
  7. Click the Step Forward button on the Data Preview panel.
    AccurioPro merges the second record into the document. Note that since the Gender data in Record 2 is F, the Set Salutation link rule has added "Dear Ms. " to the Name data that is displayed by the Salutation text link.
  8. Continue previewing until you are ready to proceed with this tutorial.
    You can continue to scroll through the other records in the data file. When ready, click the Done button to close the Data Preview panel and return the document to its original state.

Use a Link Rule to Set Data

The Form Letter also has a Map picture frame to display the location of the closest bank branch for each record that is being merged into the document, and the 1) Form Letter Tutorial folder contains the three required map graphic files (BurbankMap.eps, HollywoodMap.eps, and GlendaleMap.eps). However, these filenames are not in any field in the data file. Regardless, you can still merge the appropriate map for each record by using a link rule to specify a graphic file based on the record's City data.

Set Up a Link Rule to Set Data for a Variable Link

To set up this new link rule, follow the steps below:

  1. From the AccurioPro menu, select Setup > Rules to open the Rules dialog.
  2. Click the New button, enter Get Map as the Name, select Link for the Type, and click OK.
    The list on the left side of the Rules dialog should now display the name of the new rule, as shown below:
  3. Add a statement to evaluate if the city is Hollywood.
    To do this, click Add to add a new statement. With this new statement selected in the Statements List, click Criteria. Set the criteria to evaluate if the data for the City variable link is Hollywood, as shown below:
  4. Next, click the Actions tab, select Set Data To and click the Edit button.
    To facilitate entering a filename, click the Edit button, as shown below: 
  5. Choose to insert a filename.
    Click Insert Filename to select a file.
  6. Navigate to select the HollywoodMap.eps file and click Open.
    You will find this file inside the 1) Form Letter Tutorial folder. Clicking Open places the name of the selected file in the Edit Rules Data dialog, as shown below:
  7. Click OK to return to the Actions dialog.
    The filename of the selected file will be automatically entered for the Set Data To action.
  8. Click OK to return to the Rules dialog.
    The Statements List for the Get Map link rule should now look like the picture below:
  9. Add a statement to set data to GlendaleMap.eps if the city is Glendale.
    Click Add to add a new statement, select the new statement, and click Criteria. Set the criteria to evaluate if the data for the City variable link is Glendale. Next, click the Actions tab, select Set Data To for the Perform Action, and then click the Edit button to open the Edit Rules Data dialog where you can click the Insert Filename button. Navigate to select the GlendaleMap.eps file in the 1) Form Letter Tutorial folder and click Open. Click OK to return to the Actions dialog and then click OK to return to the Rules dialog. The Statements List for the Get Map link rule should now look like the picture below:
  10. Add a statement to set data to BurbankMap.eps if the city is Burbank.
    Add a third statement in a manner similar to adding the previous two statements. The Statements List for the Get Map link rule should now look like the picture below:
  11. Keep No Action for the default condition statement.
    If none of the above statements apply an action, then the link rule will take no action and the picture link will treat whatever data the assigned variable link provides as the name of a file to place in the picture frame. For example, if we assign the City variable link to the picture frame and a record's data is Peoria, then AccurioPro will search for a file named Peoria. If AccurioPro cannot find a file named Peoria, then the merge session will prompt you to find the file, and consequently you now know a statement needs to be added to this link rule to handle the name of one more city before you merge the document again.
  12. Click OK to save this new rule while closing the Rules dialog.

Assign This Link Rule and a Variable Link to a Picture Frame

You can use the AccurioPro panel to assign both a variable link and a link rule to a picture frame. For example, to assign the City variable link and the Get Map link rule to the Map picture frame in the Form Letter document, follow the steps below: 

  1. Use the InDesign Selection tool to select the Map picture frame in the document.
  2. If the AccurioPro panel is not showing, open it.
    To open the panel, select View > AccurioPro Panel from the AccurioPro menu.
  3. Select City from the Link menu or list.
    Although the City variable link is set up as a Text type of variable link, you can still assign it to a picture frame. When a variable link is assigned to a picture frame, AccurioPro will automatically treat that assignment as a Picture type of variable link. 
  4. Select Get Map from the Rule menu or list.
    The document and panel should now look like this:
  5. Click the Tag Pic button on the panel.
    If the variable link was successfully assigned, then the panel should now display a set of green bars above and below its row of buttons. Additionally, when InDesign is showing frame edges (View > Extras > Show Frame Edges), a small non-printing green icon will be displayed to indicate the picture frame has a variable link assigned to it, as shown below:

Run Another Data Preview Merge Session

Now that you have assigned a link and link rule to a picture frame, you may prefer to preview merging data into the document to confirm the variable picture is merging satisfactorily. To do this, first save the document with the changes you have made and then repeat the steps provided earlier to run a Data Preview merge session. Or, run a Data Preview merge session after you have also set up and assigned a frame rule (described next).

Use a Frame Rule to Delete a Frame

A frame rule lets you modify the attributes of any frame – the frame does not have to contain variable content. For example, you can use a frame rule to vary the fill and stroke of any frame while merging. You can also set up a frame rule to delete a frame. For instance, the Form Letter document has a frame containing a Preferred Customer picture to indicate a preferred customer status. Since the Form-Letter-Data.txt data file contains a field named Preferred Customer to indicate this status (Y or N), we can use a frame rule to delete this picture frame when a record's preferred customer status is N.

Set Up a Frame Rule to Delete a Frame

To set up this new frame rule, follow the steps below:

  1. From the AccurioPro menu, select Setup > Rules to open the Rules dialog.
  2. Click the New button, enter Preferred Customer as the Name, select Frame for the Type, and click OK.
    Since this rule will be applied to a frame, select Frame for the Type, as shown below:
  3. The list on the left side of the Rules dialog should now display the name of the new rule, as shown below:
  4. Add a statement to evaluate if the preferred customer status is N.
    To do this, click Add to add a new statement. With this new statement selected in the Statements List, click Criteria. Set the criteria to evaluate if the data for the Preferred variable link is N, as shown below:
  5. Next, click the Actions tab, select Delete Frame.
    The Perform Action menu displays actions that may be applied to a frame. For this frame rule, select Delete Frame, as shown below:
  6. Click OK to return to the Rules dialog.
    The Statements List for the Preferred Customer frame rule should now look like the picture below:
  7. Keep No Action for the default condition statement.
    If the above statement does not apply an action (the preferred customer status is not N), then this frame rule will take no action (the frame will not be deleted).
  8. Click OK to save this new rule while closing the Rules dialog.

Assign This Frame Rule to a Picture Frame

You can use the Rules panel to assign a frame rule to a frame. For example, to assign the Preferred Customer frame rule to the Preferred Customer picture frame in the Form Letter document, follow the steps below: 

  1. Use the InDesign Selection tool to select the Preferred Customer picture frame.
  2. If the Rules panel is not showing, open it.
    To open the panel, select View > Rules Panel from the AccurioPro menu.
  3. Select Preferred Customer from the Rule menu or list.
    The document and panel should now look like this:
  4. Click the Tag Frame button on the panel.
    If the frame rule was successfully assigned, then the panel should now display a set of blue bars above and below its row of buttons. Additionally, when InDesign is showing frame edges (View > Extras > Show Frame Edges), a small non-printing blue icon will be displayed to indicate the frame has a frame rule assigned to it, as shown below:

Run Another Data Preview Merge Session

Now that you have assigned a frame rule, you may prefer to preview merging data into the document to confirm the frame is merging satisfactorily. To do this, first save the document with the changes you have made and then repeat the steps provided earlier to run a Data Preview merge session. Or, run a Data Preview merge session after you have also set up and assigned a page rule (described next).

Use a Page Rule to Apply a Parent Page

A page rule lets you modify the contents of an entire page based on the data being merged into the document. For example, you can use a page rule to omit a page from printing or to apply a parent page (which can contain any content, including variable links). For example, the Form Letter document has four parent pages. The Corporate parent page is the one that is currently applied to the document page. Each of other parent pages (Hollywood, Glendale, Burbank) contains content that is appropriate for the branch of the bank that is in a specific city, so we can set up a page rule to apply the appropriate parent page for each record based on the record's City data.

Set Up a Page Rule to Apply a Parent Page

To set up a page rule to apply a parent page based on a record's City data, follow the steps below:

  1. From the AccurioPro menu, select Setup > Rules to open the Rules dialog.
  2. Click the New button, enter Set Parent Page as the Name, select Page for the Type, and click OK.
    Since this rule will be applied to an entire page, select Page for the Type, as shown below:
  3. The list on the left side of the Rules dialog should now display the name of the new rule, as shown below:
  4. Add a statement to evaluate if the city is Hollywood.
    To do this, click Add to add a new statement. With this new statement selected in the Statements List, click Criteria. Set the criteria to evaluate if the City is Hollywood, as shown below:
  5. Click the Actions tab, select Apply Parent Page, and then enter or select Hollywood.
    The Perform Action menu displays actions that may be applied to a page. For this page rule, select Apply Parent Page. You can then enter Hollywood or click on the corresponding button to select Hollywood from a menu that lists the names of the document's parent pages.
  6. Click OK to return to the Rules dialog.
    The Statements List for the Preferred Customer frame rule should now look like the picture below:
  7. Add a statement to apply the Glendale parent page if the city is Glendale.
    Click Add to add a new statement, select the new statement, and click Criteria. Set the criteria to evaluate if the City is Glendale. Next, click the Actions tab, select Apply Parent Page from the Perform Action menu, and then enter Glendale or click on the corresponding button to select Glendale from the list. Click OK to return to the Actions dialog and then click OK to return to the Rules dialog.
  8. Add a statement to apply the Burbank parent page if the city is Burbank.
    Add this third statement in a manner similar to adding the previous two statements. The Statements List for the Set Parent Page page rule should now look like the picture below:
  9. Set up the default condition statement to apply the Corporate parent page.
    If the above statements do not apply an action (the City is neither Hollywood nor Glendale nor Burbank), then set the default statement to apply the Corporate parent page. To do this, select the default condition statement and click Actions. Select Apply parent page from the Perform Action menu and then enter Corporate or click on the corresponding button to select Corporate from the list. The Statements list for the Set Parent Page page rule should now look like the picture below:
  10. Click OK to save this new rule while closing the Rules dialog.

Assign This Page Rule to the Document Page

You can use the Rules panel to assign a page rule to a page. For example, to assign the Set Parent Page page rule to the Form Letter document page, follow the steps below: 

  1. Display the document's page 1 in the InDesign document window.
  2. If the Rules panel is not showing, open it.
    To open the panel, select View > Rules Panel from the AccurioPro menu.
  3. Select Set Parent Page from the Rule menu or list.
    The document and panel should now look like this:
  4. Click the Tag Page button on the panel.
    Note the Tag Page button displays the number of the page that will be tagged. If the page rule was successfully assigned, then the panel should now display a set of blue bars above and below its row of buttons.
  5. View a list of page rule and frame rule assignments.
    You can also confirm this page rule assignment, along with any other page rule and frame rule assignments, by clicking the Show Report button on the Rules panel. The Page & Frame Rule Report dialog lists all of the document's current page and frame rule assignments, as shown below:

Run Another Data Preview Merge Session

This tutorial has introduced you to setting up and assigning two link rules, one frame rule, and one page rule. Now that all of these rules have been assigned, you may prefer to preview merging data into the document to confirm all of the rules are merging satisfactorily. To do this, first save the document with the changes you have made and then repeat the steps provided earlier to run a Data Preview merge session.


Along with Data Preview, AccurioPro provides a number of other reports and tests to ensure merging will produce exactly what you want. This tutorial will introduce you to Preflight Report. Other reports and tests are introduced in later tutorials.

If your variable data job is using any variable links that will place files in the document during a merge session (such as variable picture links or variable article links, as this tutorial does), we recommend running a Preflight Report to determine the status of the files for these variable links. When you run a Preflight Report on a document, AccurioPro ascertains each external file that will be required to merge the currently selected data file into the document. Then, AccurioPro searches for these files. If AccurioPro is not able to locate a required file, that file will appear with a status of Missing in the Preflight Report.

Note that external files for variable links may be specified by either the name of the file or the full path to the file (for example, VOLUME:FOLDER:FILE NAME). If only the file name is specified, your default AccurioPro Search Preferences are set to search for it in four different paths: (1) The Document Global Search Path (the folder that contains the document); (2) The Data File Global Search Path (the folder that contains the data file); (3) The DDF Search Path, if one was set for the DDF; and (4) Additional Global Search Paths, if any were set for your AccurioPro installation. The search is not case sensitive and is set by default to also search sub-folders within these paths. For more information about setting AccurioPro Search Paths, see AccurioPro Search Paths.

To run a Preflight Report, follow the steps below:

  1. Select Merge from the AccurioPro menu (or click Merge on the AccurioPro panel).
  2. For the Records settings: Select All, Skip Header Row, and Step by: 1.
  3. For the Action, select Preflight Report, keeping the same Options settings as before.
  4. Click Start and, if prompted for the data file, select Form-Letter-Data.txt.
  5. Review the Preflight Report.
    Once you have selected the data file, AccurioPro analyzes the data to determine which external files are required for the session. AccurioPro then searches for the files and displays a report listing all of the required files with their status. The Preflight Report for this tutorial is shown below:

    Note that, for this tutorial, nine external files are required: three graphic image files for the Logo link, three graphic image files for the City link, and three text files for the Contact link. The name of each file and the name of the variable link that will import that file is shown in the report. In addition, the report provides Status information for each file. Generally, there will be one of two results in the Status column: OK indicates that the file is fine and ready to be used; Missing indicates that a file could not be found. Additional Information provides details about the currently selected file. If the selected file has a status of OK, then the full path to the file will be presented in this box. If the file has an error status, an explanation of the error condition will be presented instead. To display information for another file, click on that file in the list.
  6. Click the OK button to close the Preflight Report.
    When ready, click the OK button to close the Preflight Report.

Besides displaying information about the files that a merge session will require, a Preflight Report also provides other helpful features: (1) If you would like to confirm that a AccurioPro session will be able to place each of these files in the document, click the Verify button. (2) To collect a copy of the files listed in the Preflight Report, click the Collect Assets button. AccurioPro will prompt you to select a location and name for a Collect Assets log file, which will be in an XML format. The copies of the files will be saved in the same location as the log file. (3) Clicking the Save Report button saves the report information as a text file. You will be prompted to select a file name and folder for the file.


Now that you have finished verifying that everything is set up correctly, you can feel confident to proceed in creating merged output in a printable format. AccurioPro provides several variable data print drivers that offer optimization and efficiencies when printing merged output for a large number of records.

For example, AccurioPro can create PDF/VT output for a PDF/VT printing device or PDF output for a PDF printing device. AccurioPro can also create PPML output as well as PostScript output for printing devices that support those formats. This tutorial provides instructions to create AccurioPro PDF output. For information to create AccurioPro PPML output, see AccurioPro PPML Driver. For information to create AccurioPro PostScript output, see AccurioPro PostScript Driver.

Create PDF Output

The AccurioPro PDF Driver allows you to produce merged output in a PDF format that is compatible with PDF-enabled digital print controllers as well as with applications that allow you to view and edit PDFs. Additionally, the PDF Driver allows you to produce output in a PDF/VT caching format that is compatible with PDF/VT-enabled digital print controllers and applications, such as the Adobe PDF Print Engine (APPE). The AccurioPro PDF/VT caching format is optimized for variable data printing. For a more detailed discussion about the PDF Driver, see AccurioPro PDF Driver.

To create PDF/VT or PDF output for this tutorial, follow the steps below:

  1. Select Merge from the AccurioPro menu (or click Merge on the AccurioPro panel).
  2. For the Records: Select All, Skip Header Row, and Step by: 1.
  3. For the Action, select Create PDF/VT, keeping the same Options settings as before.

  4. Click Start and, if prompted for the data file, select Form-Letter-Data.txt.
    This opens the PDF Driver dialog, as shown below:
  5. Enter a Base Job Name.
    This is the base for the file name(s) of the PDF output. By default, the Base Job Name is the name of the document. The PDF Driver will automatically append a separator (the default separator is an underscore) followed by the record range that is in this output file. For example, keeping the default Form_Letter_Tutorial and merging Records 1 to 5, the file name will be Form_Letter_Tutorial_1-5.pdf. For information about output file naming preferences, see AccurioPro Preferences.
  6. Select All for the Page Sets per Job.
    This feature allows you to control the number of jobs (in this case, PDF files) that will be created by this merge session. Selecting All will create one file that contains all of the merged pages. If you are running a merge session that will create a lot of pages, then you may prefer to “chunk” your output into multiple files to create jobs of a more manageable size. For example, if you had 427 records in the data file for a single-page document and you instead selected Specify for this option and entered a value of 100, then the merge session would create five PDF files, where the first four would contain 100 pages of merged output each (1-100, 102-200, 201-300, 301-400) and the last one would contain 27 pages of merged output (401-427).
  7. Select Best Performance from the Presets menu.
    This preset works best for most digital printers and PDF applications. Selecting a preset applies selections to all of settings on the PDF Driver dialog, regardless whether a tab's settings are visible or hidden at the time the preset is selected. Also, note the PDF Format menu in the Output settings on the Options tab. This menu allows you to choose between creating output in the PDF/VT format or in a standard PDF format.
  8. Click the Continue button and select printing options.
    After clicking Continue, the standard Export Adobe PDF dialog prompts you to select additional options for the output. Select options as you normally would to produce a PDF/VT file of this document. Then, click the Export button.
  9. Select a destination for the output and then click Save.
    This launches the merge session.

Track the Merge Progress for PDF Output

At the start of a merge session, AccurioPro builds a workfile (a temporary document) based on the original document and then merges data with that workfile. Once the workfile has been merged, it is then printed. This process is repeated as many times as necessary to complete the job. During this merge process, you see a progress bar. You may click the Cancel button at any time to stop the merge session (or press Command-Period as you would to cancel a normal printing routine). Please note that it may take some time for AccurioPro to respond to a cancel request as some of the printing processes cannot be interrupted.

Review the Summary Report for PDF Output

When the merge session is finished, the original document returns and AccurioPro opens a dialog to display a summary report, which details all of the files that were created. The summary report will be similar to the one shown below:

For more information about selecting PDF Driver settings, see Performance settings for AccurioPro PDF/VT Output. For detailed information on all of the features of the PDF Driver, see AccurioPro PDF Driver.


You have concluded the first tutorial. This tutorial has introduced you to the following topics:

  • Setting up a document's data source definition (DDF)
  • Placing variable links in a document
  • Previewing data merged into a document
  • Applying rules while merging
  • Running a Preflight Report
  • Creating PDF/VT output

Next Tutorial

The next tutorial covers additional features of the AccurioPro Rules feature, including using rules to change the styling of variable text and the color of frames while merging, to show layers while merging, and how to test rules. Additionally, you will learn how to apply the AccurioPro CopyFit feature to fit variable text within a text frame automatically while merging.

  • Viewing a document's DDF
  • Placing variable text links with rules for styling
  • Placing a variable text link on a path
  • Using a frame rule to change colors
  • Applying CopyFit to fit text in a frame
  • Applying a drop cap to a variable text link
  • Assigning a frame rule to multiple frames
  • Using a page rule to show layers while merging
  • Testing rules during a data preview