AccurioPro Configurator Specs [Sample Job Descriptions]

After downloading and un-zipping the sample files, you will have a folder named AccurioPro-Configurator. Inside of the AccurioPro-Configurator folder, you will have a folder called Sample Input. This folder contains a set of test input files and Job Folders to use with the AccurioPro Configurator Sample Flows.

In general, to use the input examples, simply drag the test file/folder you are interested in onto the appropriate Input Folder that has been defined for the sample Flow. For Data Files, JSON and XML files, more specific instructions have been provided. Please see the descriptions below for details about each sample input.

Job Folder Input

The Job Folder Input folder contains a number of sample Job Folders that can be used as input for a Flow. Each Job Folder is described below.

Golden Master Job Folder

Description: This test Job Folder is ready to go and should be successfully processed to completion by the standard AccurioPro Standard Flow. Run this job first to verify that you have installed and configured your AccurioPro VDP software properly.

Flow to Use: AccurioPro Flow [Standard Job Folder, CSV, or JSON Input]

How to Run: Drag the folder onto the Job Folder or JSON folder element in the sample Flow.

Expected Results: Job will run to completion with no errors. A one-up, variable PDF file named Golden-Master.pdf will be produced and placed into the Output Folder in the sample Flow. The original Job Folder will be discarded.

Imposition Test Job Folder

Description: This test Job Folder is ready to go and should be successfully processed to completion by the standard AccurioPro Standard Flow. This test folder includes an AccurioPro Imposition Template that will be used to automatically impose the one-up InDesign document being processed.

Flow to Use: AccurioPro Flow [Standard Job Folder, CSV, or JSON Input]

How to Run: Drag the folder onto the Job Folder or JSON folder element in the sample Flow.

Expected Results: Job will run to completion with no errors. A two-up variable PDF file named Imposition-Test-Job.pdf will be produced and placed into the Output Folder in the sample Flow. The original Job Folder will be discarded.

File Name Control Job Folder

Description: This test Job Folder is ready to go and should be successfully processed to completion by the Flow. This test folder includes a small JSON file in the folder that is used to set the value for the kPageSetsPerJob property to '1', which means that each record of the data file will produce a single PDF file. The sample document also uses the AccurioPro VDP Control Frame feature (also referred to as a Name Box), which is used in this case to set a unique name for each PDF file being produced.

Flow to Use: AccurioPro Flow [File Name Control]

How to Run: Drag the folder onto the Job Folder Input folder element in the sample Flow.

Expected Results: Job will run to completion with no errors. A total of 50, two-page PDF files will be created. Each PDF file will have a unique name matching the First and Last name fields of the data file.


The original Job Folder will be discarded.

Output Chunking Job Folder

Description: This is the standard Bank Letter job with a 50-record data file. When run through the Job Chunking Flow the output should consist of 5 separate PDF files, each PDF containing the output for 10 records of data. The number of pages included in each PDF file can is controlled by the Page Sets per Job property. This property is available with the Variable Data Merge Action in the AccurioPro VDP Configurator.

Flow to Use: AccurioPro Flow [Job Chunking]

How to Run: Drag the folder onto the Job Folder Input folder element in the sample Flow.

Expected Results: Job will run to completion with no errors. A total of 5 PDF files will be created, each containing 10 pages of variable data.


The original Job Folder will be discarded.


Data File Input

The Data File Input folder contains a number of sample data files that can be used as input for a Flow. The sample data files are all in comma-separated value (CSV) format, but any data file format supported by AccurioPro VDP can be used as input (tab-delimited, Unicode, etc). Data files can be used as input when the same InDesign document is processed on a regular basis. Rather than submitting a complete Job Folder, the data file can be merged with a pre-defined InDesign document that has been specified in the InDesign Document property of the AccurioPro Configurator. Each data file is described below.


Description: This data file should be successfully processed to completion by the standard AccurioPro Standard Flow.

Flow to Use: AccurioPro Flow [Standard Job Folder, CSV, or JSON Input]

How to Run: Drag the file onto the BANK LETTER folder element in the sample Flow.

Expected Results: The data file will be processed with the template specified in the first AccurioPro VDP flow element, which runs the Create VDP Package Action. The resulting output from this first flow element is a Job Folder that contains the data file along with the InDesign document specified in the flow element. The Job Folder will be processed to completion with no errors. A one-up, variable PDF file named Bank_Letter_1-50.pdf will be produced and placed into the Output Folder in the sample Flow. The original data file will be discarded.


Description: This data file should be successfully processed to completion by the standard AccurioPro Standard Flow.

Flow to Use: AccurioPro Flow [Standard Job Folder, CSV, or JSON Input]

How to Run: Drag the file onto the NAME TAGS folder element in the sample Flow.

Expected Results: The data file will be processed with the template specified in the first AccurioPro VDP Flow element, which runs the Create VDP Package Action. The resulting output from this first flow element is a Job Folder that contains the data file along with the InDesign document specified in the flow element. The Job Folder will be processed to completion with no errors.

Imposition Note: The InDesign document that is referenced in the first flow element of this example resides in a folder that also contains an Imposition Template. This template will be used to impose the job using the Build Multi-up Document Action. The Imposition Template is stored in a sub-folder in the same location as the referenced InDesign document. The name of the sub-folder follows the proper naming convention for Imposition Templates, allowing AccurioPro software to locate the template as the VDP Package is being assembled. When the Create VDP Package Action was performed, the Imposition Template was located automatically and included in the resulting Job Folder. As a result, the job is automatically imposed, and a 6-up, variable PDF file named IMPOSED_One-Up-Name-Tag_1-36.pdf will be produced and placed into the Output Folder in the sample Flow. The original data file will be discarded.


Description: This data file should be successfully processed to completion by the standard AccurioPro Standard Flow.

Flow to Use: AccurioPro Flow [Standard Job Folder, CSV, or JSON Input]

How to Run: Drag the file onto the BAR CODE LABELS folder element in the sample Flow.

Expected Results: The data file will be processed with the InDesign document specified in the first AccurioPro VDP flow element, which runs the VDP Packager Action. The resulting output from this first flow element is a Job Folder that contains the data file along with the InDesign document specified in the flow element. The Job Folder will be processed to completion with no errors.

Imposition Note: The original InDesign document in this example has been pre-imposed as an 4-up layout. Therefore, a 4-up variable PDF file named Bar-Code-Labels-Multiup_1-100.pdf will be produced and placed into the Output Folder in the sample Flow. The original data file will be discarded.


JSON File Input (Job Ticket Format)

The JSON File Input folder contains a sample JSON Job Ticket file that can be used as input for a Flow. The JSON Job Ticket file format can be used to specify every property for every AccurioPro VDP element in a Flow.


Description: This job ticket file should be successfully processed to completion by the standard AccurioPro Standard Flow. The JSON file includes the full path to both the InDesign document and the Data File to process. All other properties for each AccurioPro VDP flow element have also been specified. To reference a file for processing, simply specify the full path to a file in a JSON element (example: "/job-folder/sub-folder/file.ext").

Flow to Use: AccurioPro Flow [Standard Job Folder, CSV, or JSON Input]

How to Run: Drag the file onto the Job Folder or JSON folder element in the sample Flow. Note: Because the JSON job ticket specifies all properties for the Flow, you can drop the JSON file into any of the other input folders for this Flow as well.

Expected Results: The JSON file will be processed by the first AccurioPro VDP flow element, which runs the VDP Packager Action. The resulting output from this first flow element is a Job Folder that contains the data file along with the InDesign document specified in the flow element. The Job Folder will be processed to completion with no errors. A one-up, variable PDF file named Bank_Letter_1-50.pdf will be produced and placed into the Output Folder in the sample Flow. The original JSON file will be discarded.


XML File Input

The sample XLM files and related assets can be used to test the XML processing capability of your system. Please note that in order to process the XML test jobs, you must also have licensed and installed the Switch Metadata Module, available from Enfocus.


Description: This job provides a single XML file that defines a Switch kJobFolderPath element. The kJobFolderPath element specifies the full path to the entire Job Folder to be processed. The actual Job Folder referenced by the XML file is located in the /AccurioPro-Configurator/Sample InDesign Documents/Bank Letter Sample folder. This sample demonstrates how to kick off the process using a single XML file that provides a reference to the actual Job Folder to be processed, which can exist anywhere that is accessible to the Flow.

Flow to Use: AccurioPro Flow [XML Input (Requires Metadata Module)]

How to Run: Drag the file XML-Refers-To-JOB-FOLDER.xml into the Input Folder (A) element in the sample Flow.

Expected Results: Job will run to completion with no errors. A variable PDF file named Bank_Letter_1-50.pdf will be produced and placed into the Output Folder in the sample Flow. The original XML File will be discarded.


Description: This job provides a single XML file that contains AccurioPro kTemplatePath and kDatabasePath elements. These elements specify the full path to the InDesign document and the data file to be processed by the Flow. This method can be used when the InDesign documents and data files are stored in separate locations. Note that the specified path for each element must be accessible to the Switch system. To reference a file for processing, simply specify the full path to the file in the XML element (example: "/job-folder/sub-folder/file.ext").

Flow to Use: AccurioPro Flow [XML Input (Requires Metadata Module)]

How to Run: Drag the file XML-Refers-To-EXTERNAL-FILES.xml into the Input Folder (B) element in the sample Flow.

Expected Results: Job will run to completion with no errors. A variable PDF file named Bank_Letter_1-50.pdf will be produced and placed into the Output Folder in the sample Flow. The original XML File will be discarded.

Failure Test Jobs

Inside of the Job Folder Input/Other folder is another folder names Failure Test Jobs. This folder contains a number of Job Folders that are meant to cause a specific failure. These jobs can be used to test various aspects of the error checking properties supported by the AccurioPro VDP Configurator.