PDF Crop and Transparent Background preferences

This article applies only to AccurioPro variable data jobs that are merging PDF files into variable picture links. InDesign applies two PDF import options when placing a PDF file in a picture frame, and AccurioPro also applies these PDF import options when merging a PDF file into a variable picture link. 


Two InDesign import options for a PDF file control which Crop and Transparent Background settings are applied when InDesign places the PDF file. To see and optionally change your InDesign default settings for these two options, choose to Show Import Options while placing a PDF file into a document (using File > Place). 


AccurioPro provides a preference to control these two PDF import options Crop and Transparent Background independently. Your selection for this AccurioPro preference is applied whenever AccurioPro merges a PDF file into a variable picture link, while your InDesign defaults for these options will remain unchanged. This ensures that identical settings can be maintained across workstations that are running AccurioPro.

To access these preferences, open the AccurioPro Preferences dialog (AccurioPro > Preferences) and click on the PDF button. This will open the PDF Place Options dialog where you can select Crop and Transparent Background preferences. AccurioPro will apply the settings you select here when you merge any PDF file into a variable picture link in any document. 


The default setting for this new preference option is Use Default. This selection was provided to ensure backward compatibility with documents prepared using earlier versions of the software. The Use Default setting mimics the behavior of previous versions of AccurioPro by setting the Crop to and Transparent PDF settings to those that were in effect the last time a PDF file was manually placed into a document.